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Light heartedly and effectively portrays the trials a child and family experience when there are feeding challenges. It’s more than feeding- it’s relationships and mental health with parents and the child feeling - “what’s wrong with me?” and then discovering “NOTHING!” and “we are NOT ALONE”! It’s a journey of patience, hope, discovery and celebrating what the child CAN DO/enjoys and peacefully working on what’s hard. This book offers a great deal of hope, understanding, and peace, which is what parents and children need when there are feeding difficulties. My own boys were intrigued by the cover and read it, which stimulated a meaningful conversation and evoked empathy. “Mommy, that’s what you do to help kids... I didn’t know... and wow that would be really hard to not like to eat”. Love this book and will recommend it to the families, doctors and professionals I work with to bring understanding and to help families and kids realize they are not alone on this journey.
~ Amazon Review
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